A true Surf Guide Algarve Adventure with empty glassy waves
By the time you are reading this the wind is on it and the waves back to average at best. Here in the Algarve you really need to time your surf sessions carefully. Tides are massive and the wind is almost more important than the swell. In the middle of summer we have an extra challenge, the crowds. Interesting enough it gets super busy in these summer months. While the waves are usually not that great in this time of the year. Luckily today the waves are incredible. To escape the crowds Surf Guide Algarve has a little trick up his sleeve. A true surf adventure with perfect empty glassy waves.

Perfect waves
As been said many times before, you do not come to the Algarve to search for perfect waves. Without a doubt there are a number of places where you can score quote on quote better waves, but will you get them with no one out? Usually we surf a lot of beach break waves. Today we surfing a little reef, making the wave much more consistent and a little more powerful. Overall mostly right hand waves. By the time the tide fills in the wave gets a little less hollow but the left starts to open up as well. To sum up, as perfect as the Algarve will ever get.

Plan your trip, but be flexible
As soon as you know your dates, shoot us a message. Please tell us everything you know about your surf level. Intermediate just does not cut it. Since basically everyone is a intermediate. The guy who surfs over 30 years 5 times a week will not say he is an expert, so he is a intermediate. Yet the girl who starts to ride green waves also deserves this title. So, what type of waves are you comfortable in? How often do you surf, and what type of boards do you ride? As long as we have a good understanding about your actual level, we can find the best waves for you. By the time you are in the region it pays off to be flexible. Waves just come on their own agenda, its up to us to follow them around. Maybe we will score like these two…