Surf Guide Algarve super score after weather warnings
E-mails, texts and whatsapp come in all day long on the surf guide algarve phone, a massive swell is hitting and everyone wants a piece of it. Seven meter swell with 20 seconds, it is going to be huge! Obviously these days are very special. And to be honest, we did get some super fun waves yesterday too. Yet the day after is often the day we really score. Most people burned their shoulders and credits with their family the day before. Leaving the beaches a lot more empty. Add the fast that there are weather warnings send and every forecast looks totally different. All in all these are the days surf guide algarve shines. What for many people will function as a layday is for us a true super score. Enjoy the full story.

Left or right, they are both perfect
By the time we arrive on the beach there is finally enough light to see what is going on. Perfect soft offshore breeze with incredible looking waves. Today the surf guide algarve mission takes us to Punta Ruiva, a left hand point break. Often times busy and not a great place to guide for obvious reasons. Now that there is no one else, where do you want to go? Left or right? They are both perfect. We decide to first catch a few left legburners to warm up and move over to the more powerful inside later. Since the tide is pushing a good game plan.

Spaghetti arms
Whenever the waves are this good we always joke, where is the photographer when you really need him. Sure the best waves always go ridden without captured on camera. Still these pictures really do not do the morning much justice. All three of us scoring possibly the best waves the Algarve has to offer, with no one out. Only the last wave is on the camera. At the right spot at the right time, but at some point the arms just give in and turn into spaghetti, see picture below. Super stoked with this session, make sure you book in time if you want to join one too!