Finishing the swell bender in style with Surf Guide Algarve on the end of the world
Recently picked up this new surf slang, a swell bender. Possibly it was the king lord mr. Nathan Florence, but it can be one of his friends as well. Whoever invented this, Surf Guide Algarve is all for it. And, even better, the ocean around Portugal as well. Wind and swell pump for weeks in a row. Leaving not a single surf board in tact. Finally it looks like there is an end in sight. Much needed rain and some rest days are on their way. Finishing the swell bender in style on the end of the world, Sagres. Enjoy the full story.

Are you really ready
Whenever you see a big period and offshore wind on the forecast our hart starts pumping a little faster. How big will it really be? What board to use? Finally the moment of truth, we check the waves and realise we are on. Still, with no one out it is really hard to judge the actual size. Luckily our friend rocks up with his wetsuit already on. With limited time he sprints to the water and I manage to shoot his first wave of the day. See second picture up.

The best wave never makes it on camera...
Usually this is the rule. Finally the waves back down a little bit and the wind seems to turn a little bit more side shore. Basically I am just looking for an excuse to go in from what has been an incredible session. Switch on the camera that operates really slow with all the rain and heavy weather it faces today, I get our friends last ride. Stoked and tired we almost wrap up the session. Behind our guest approaches yet another epic set. Unloading on the sand bar like all morning, not a single person out. Needless to say I need to go back for at least one more. And here it is. Steep deep and probably the best barrel I have ever had on camera.