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Double surf: long lefts and mellow Porto de Mos

barranco surf backside wave pointbreak

Everyone needs friends, and surf guides even more. The low tide was mid morning today so we headed for Zavial first, expecting to find the point working and hoped for something more mellow on mid-tide at Praia Porto de Mos. But our friend Brian (check his camp up north: Ticket2Surf) saw us driving in that direction and immediately called with a wave update. According to him we should take a right a bit sooner and head for the beach where the hippies like to hang out. And boy was he right. A few guys out and 2 peaks consistently breaking on the left and right. Left I went, my friend headed right. Annemarie took the camera position to safe energy for Porto de Mos.

We arrived at our second destination a bit late (good waves make it easy to forget time) and scared that there would be too much water. But we made it just in time to find a completely empty line up (which is rare lately) and one perfect peak for Annemarie to practice noseriding. Our friend from the UK joined her in taking wave after wave after wave while Piri-Piri entertained me on the beach.

What a perfect day. Check it out.

barranco surfing perfect lefts all morning
Endless backside surf at Barranco
barranco surf right offshore
Daniel prefers to surf/be right

barranco surfguide taking a hollow wave

piri-piri chilling at barranco whatching the surf
piri-piri chilling at barranco whatching the surf
porto de mos in the end of january in the sun
Porto de Mos at the end of January…. beat that
annemarie surfing a sweet longboard wave at Porto de Mos
Annemarie surfing a sweet longboard wave at Porto de Mos
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