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Big score in Amado

Off the lip surf amado beach portugal

Surf’s up in Amado

”Niels, can you please guide a guy tomorrow morning early cause he needs to be back here at midday- I think he can surf”. It turned out that Stan is exactly double my age, grew up on the beach of California and was surfing since the day he could remember. The forecast looked perfect so the adventure was set.
The next morning me and my loyal surf-buddy Big-D picked our new friend up at 7 at his 5 star hotel. D happy with the empty roads and his love for rally driving his Ford Focus got us quicker to the beach than I have ever experienced. Luckily Stan was no stranger of driving fast as he mentioned to have 3 cars and is used to take his M6 to the track on a regular base… Anyway, a lot of big talk makes you no better surfer, but interesting company for sure. However, Stan cán surf. It was heavy but glassy as we don’t very often get it on the west and the conditions were absolute epic.

cordoama empty right hander surf

Two days later it was the other surfshop calling me and we picked up two guys from Australia. ”I think I have a surfboard from ozz, it’s a JS” I said to the two dudes. Dude: ”Oh Really Mate’ that’s funny, we all used to ride those boards my Mate used to date his daughter!” And that was just the start.
The waves were really perfect. We filled a day with good surf, good fun and a lot of (surf)adventures back and forward.

Off the lip surf amado beach portugal
Our friend Nelson Oliveira showing how its done.
surf lunch ozzy style
surf lunch ozzy style
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