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Making it Rain in Luz

luz surf rain surfboys on the rocks

Luz surf time

On my way to the beach I got a last-minute phone call from two dudes who really wanted to come surfing with me. As the tide was on our side and the swell picking up, I detoured to pick them up and suddenly it wasn’t useless to drive a 6 person van around on this somewhat grey morning.
My friends for the day told me that where they are from they see a lot of that and that they didn’t care if it would be raining, we will get wet anyway wright? Perfect attitude.

luz surf rain surfboys on the rocks

Making it Rain

We arrived at an almost empty beach with a completely empty line-up. (People don’t like rain over here in the Algarve.) We surfed until our arms really could not take it anymore and changed inside the van.

Luz surf line up grey sky
With this kind of waves and these kind of company I wouldn’t mind some more rain! 
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