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Zavial on a very good mood

zavial a-frame wave

There’s always a wave

When me and my buddy just pulled out of the carpark after what supposed to be the last (good) surf in quite a few days my phone rang. ”Hi this is two girls who want to surf independent but we have no car or boards…” Difficult situation as you can see. The forecast looked so bad that even one of my mates went to Holland for a week where my girlfriend went as well… anyway, what to do. I told the girls I would take another close look on the charts and let them know. I guess there’s always a wave right?

Two surfgirls walking with surfboards over an empty beach at zavial

Stoked surfgirls

The two girls originally from Poland and living in the UK already told me they were not looking for big of perfect waves, they just wanted to get their hair salty and a nice little wave to practice. I will always try to match the ability of the guest(s) and their request to the conditions but today everything fell into place. When we arrived on the beach of zavial there was no one to be seen and we made sure the girls got in their wetsuits as fast as possible.

zavial a-frame wave
After getting the girls in the water I got the surprise of the day by this wave here. I got a good barrel and a few nice rides. After the tide got to high for it to work we met on the beach and the Girls were at least as stoked as I was. After a little pastel-de-nata break in the sun they chose to get changed to be back in Lagos just around lunchtime. Epic morning surf guiding…
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