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Celebrating Easter at Beliche

beliche small

Beautiful Beliche

I am not going to lie, Beliche is not my favorite spot for guiding. The wave can be fantastic, the beach itself is absolutely stunning (even without waves) but being one of the most famous and easy accessible places of the Algarve it’s very quickly very crowded.

beliche empty surf
But what if it’s a rainy morning with a super tricky forecast? We pulled the trigger and had the pleasure surfing Beliche for a full session just with the 3 of us. 
beliche small wave
Me on a small wave at Beliche. 

Small waves

The waves were not big but very enjoyable and to make us feel even better there was about a 100 people getting changed in the carpark when we walked up the long stairs after our session.

beliche small
Its almost to bad it doesnt rain more often in the Algarve. I guess every day has its own challenges and you need to be a little lucky sometimes too! 


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