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super fun surf in Arrifana

Surfguide algarve - Niels - finally getting a turn done on one of the waves on arrifana

You can always count on Arrifana.

With a super stoked American surfer on board for a few days and a pretty strong North wind with a small swell on the forecast the choice of spots got reduced to only a few.

my american friend totally blown away by the view of the surf at arrifana
my american friend totally blown away by the view of the surf at Arrifana.
the spectacular view from the waves breaking on the protected beach of arrifana
the spectacular view from the waves breaking on the protected beach of Arrifana.

With the surfguiding Arrifana isn’t really our go-to beach. Reason being are for sure not the quality of the waves or the surroundings. The reason Arrifana isn’t normally very high on our wish list is because every single person with (or without) wetsuit who rents a board will somehow end up floating around in Arrifana. Rules in the water don’t really apply over here and if you rock up after lets say 9 parking is a problem, with your car i mean, the waves will be crowded way before that.

Surfguide algarve - Niels - finally getting a turn done on one of the waves on arrifana
Surfguide algarve – Niels – finally getting a turn done on one of the waves on arrifana.

After surf.

The surf was actually really fun. The crowd only got bad after we both decided we had not much power left anyway so it turned out to be a great surf. because we surfed pretty early we had plenty of time left and we went for a little tour around the other beaches in the Algarve. And to celebrate life my new friend invited me for lunch;

arrifana after surf lunch
arrifana after surf lunch.
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