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Arrifana always delivers

daniel surfing a wave in arrifana

Arrifana beach,

I said it before and i’ll say it again: If i can avoid Arrifana I will. But sometimes this spot is the only way to go. And to be honest it is amazing. Arrifana is so nicely protected from the strong north wind that there is almost always surf where the rest of the beaches are blown out.

arrifana surf view
Surf lookout at Arrifana Beach.

Little adventure.

Two dudes from Australia were super keen to come on a Surf Guide adventure. Unfortunately the van had a little big problem and there was no way I would drive that thing to the west coast in this condition. Lucky us, one of my best buddies, Daniel was keen to come and drive us.

daniel surfing a wave in arrifana
Daniel surfing a wave in arrifana.
arrifana after surf
The surf was fun. Everyone got dropped in a few times and every wave got surfed at least by a few surfers. It was a typical fun arrifana surf. Summer is here therefore we do not complain. Its fun to share the stoke. The ozzie boys had a blast saying that if this is crowded they would not advise us to come to Australia. ”I almost felt lonely out there”
surf talk after arrifana
After surfing in Arrifana I was extra keen to do one of my surf theory talks again. Invited at our friends surfcamp Extreme Algarve and it was a big succes!
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