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Bordeira wave pool

bordeira foamy

Bordeira swell magnet,

Second adventure with the surfschool. Lucky for me we did not go to Arrifana this time. Instead we went to the long sandy beach of Bordeira. The swell was small but with zero wind the expectations where good.

bordeira small barrel
You are right, this is an old photo. But the conditions were exactly like this. Clean like a swimming pool and fun small waves with a lot of power. As the school was doing there lesson I surfed my brains out and got a small barrel to top it up.

Fun surf,

I am pretty sure everyone had an amazing time. Not 100% sure cause all of them were Germans and they dont really express their stoke to much. It was a lot of fun to catch up with the other surf instructors from the different schools as well. (nothing against Germans, you guys are always on time and have a good sence of humor. If i ever going to hire someone it will be one of you!)

bordeira view
Can you believe this view?

I went for a second surf. The tide was a little higher and the waves a lot slower. Not as powerful but now a lot more time for nice cutbacks and nice to have some time on the wave. To finish the day and please the crowd, I caught one wave in my boardshorts on a foamy, did a headstand and even the germans liked it 😉

bordeira foamy
Yes, also an old picture. Do you mind?
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