Surfing and good vibes,
When you surf in Lagos its very hard not to feel the good vibes. The atmosphere in the line up is always a lot more mellow and calm than in many other spots along the coast of the algarve.

Especially when the swell is really big it wraps around the whole coast and we can get super good waves in porto de mos. We even had a few swells so big that the waves got so big in Porto de Mos that many surfers went to surf Meia Praia.

Winter is here,

Winter is the best time for surfing. There are many depressions out on the open ocean providing us with increcible waves. Most of the time this goes hand in hand with a local high pressure system (sunny days). But every now and again the low pressure comes a little close. And than there is only one thing to do: If you cant beat them, join them!