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There is Always a Wave in the Algarve, when you are willing to Search

surfguide algarve searching for waves

Search Algarve style,

The search starts usually by looking at the preferences, surfing style and abilities of the guest, match that with the surf forecast and that will give one or two options. Today was a little different. There was onshore on the forecast and no one lined up for surf guiding. This would have been the perfect day to chill for once. Clean the house, watch a movie or do something else what ´normal´ people do on their days off.
Not in this house do. We got a message from a friend if we were in for a little surf adventure and off we went.

surfguide algarve searching for waves
This is how we celebrate winter Algarve style. Surfguide adventure with the girls (and piri-piri of course.)

Onshore waves, no one out and 2 surf photographers…

Once we got to the beach we got hold of our friend from Portugalsurfshots who was really keen to test out his new toy. He had bought a water casing for his camera about 6 months ago and it had finally arrived. Annemarie who is a real good surfer when its below chest-high, was carrying a camera instead of a surfboard with the prospect of a heavy paddle with some size in the waves. So that made 2 surfers for 2 photographers.

surfguide algarve favorite surf photographer
surfguide algarve´s favorite surf photographer checking out whats going on with his new toy.
surf guide algarve vip guest
surf guide algarve vip guest sneaking some fun lefts in between the sets. “I´m so happy, thank you without you I would have never got in and I had an amazing time!” 

Its the expectation that you have before you get to the surf. Often the forecast is pretty good and the surf does not live up against those expectations. This can be really the waves being a bit weird or you just surfing crap. The other way around is very often true as well. When you expect shit waves and you get some fun ones, it is actually better that you expected and you´re stoked. This doesnt mean we wont always aim to find the best conditions possible or we wont have fun when it is offshore and clean…But judge yourself. Would you not have fun on this wave:

surfguide algarve always finds a wave
surfguide algarve always finds a wave…
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