Arrifana? Let´s go!
After days if not weeks surfing the south coast it was time for some cold west coast waves. Cold? Yeah, for some reason the sun always seems to shine on the south and hardly ever around Arrifana region. (at least not when I get there.)
We were almost going on another south coast adventure but something changed my mind. I always check the webcams in the morning. (even when we are not even planning to go there.) And some beautiful waves came trough on Arrifana.

My surfguide guest told me ´man lets go I always wanted to surf that place but its always been to out of control.´ In a big fat Mercedes (with big rims) we took off. A very comfortable drive later we got what we were hoping for. Absolutely no one in the water and beautiful waves rolling in.

My guest gave me the final push saying he would love to see me take some over there and that he would be fine on the inside. So off I was.
Extremely lucky,
I always surf the best in the first hour of my session. So I decided that I would paddle to the point, get a few waves and while i was stlll on top of my game paddle back and catch a few on the inside with my guest. This time there were no semi-pro guys pushing each other to deep. But I also had to find my own way were to sit for the bigger ones. On my 5´6 toothpick that hardly floats anymore i was seriously a little undergunned. My stoke level made up for this and I got a few amazing waves.

Ones I got my adrenaline overload I paddled back to the beach. My buddy having a great time and some more ripper(kids) had come to play. After a few nice smaller (and much safer) waves on the beach I got out and shot these pics. Tired, satisfied and stoked. Mission completed.