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The boys are back in the Algarve, time for Beliche!

beliche surf wipe out

Beliche Time,

The crew that is visiting now has a real special spot in the whole surfguide algarve business history. Most importantly, these guys are the first ever (payed) surf guide guests. And this is their 8th time in 3 years that they come back to the Algarve. The hardcore dutchies are always a real pleasure to surf and hang out with and we are super stoked to guide them to the best places. Today it is time for Beliche.

beliche surf check
beliche surf check, in march in tshirt and shorts…Maybe I see a few reasons why this is the 8th time in 3 years they are back in the algarve.
ultimate surf cars
ultimate surf cars. The renault 4l that we have is one of the cutest surf cars ever for the reason that its so old and surfie. Here in the region you see still quite a few of them. But that his ugly brother in the same color is parking behind us at the traffic lights on our way to Beliche is insane.

Time for some surf action,

Finally, the boys are here for a few reasons. But the biggest reason is this: Surf their brains out:

beliche surf black and white
black and white surf picture at beliche, picture by our friend Tristan from Portugal surfshots.
beliche surf left
Go left at beliche! (picture by one of our friends Cami, her boyfriend is in the water too:
beliche surf wipe out
Seems like the best surf wipe out of the day at beliche.

We all got super fun waves and as a result are stoked about the mission. Many will follow dudes!

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