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Porto de mos serving post quarantine action with good news!

porto de mos summer surf

Any wave is epic,

If you haven´t surfed in about 6 or 7 weeks, excuse me as I did not count the days, every wave you surf after that would be epic. But what kind of wave would you go look for? Big heavy hollow surf to feel alive? Or better a easier start with a somewhat forgiving wave? My hart would say option A but my head would probably go for option B. Anyway, nature has the last say anyway.
We would meet up with two friends (a couple we know from here now already for over 5 years) and have a surf together. The goal was to find a wave suitable for the ladies but enjoyable for the boys as well.

porto de mos surf
Porto de mos surf. 

The Algarve has so many beaches and options but these days we got lucky and got the most friendly but super fun waves just in our backyard. The first of three days with the two friends. The second day I went all by myself and got the same peak just on fire. I got so stoked and in good ritm with the ocean that morning. Than on day 3 this happened:

miss surfguide porto de mos surfcheck
Annemarie her day off, so it was a nice thing to go find her some friendly waves: miss surfguide porto de mos surfcheck.
porto de mos summer surf
Porto de mos summer surf. Not a single soul even on the beach. (Nowadays people are only allowed on the beach to do an activity.) I vote we keep it this way!) 

Good news, surfguiding sort off allowed again.

After the surf we bumped into two police officers from the Maritme Police who told me it is possible to guide again!

miss surfguide porto de mos

Of course our little surfdog piri piri is still part of the crew.

porto de mos small surf
porto de mos small surf, the super happy missis surfguide on her foamy. (I even took a few of these glassy peeling waves in my boardshorts to celebrate.) 
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