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First Surfguide adventure after Covid to Porto de Mos

porto de mos surfkid

First guided surf adventure,

Apart from a few stranded germans with no money left, there are absolutely no tourists around. This obviously means that there are less surfers in the line ups, and that you probably know 90% of the people you do bump in to. This does create a little problem. although we celebrated last week we can start surfguiding again. Who are we going to guide?

porto de mos surfkid
What about this surfkid?

End off Lockdown,

We guided this surfkid already a few times before the whole corona crisis. We got in touch and his mom told us he couldn´t wait to get back in the water. The conditions were amazing. Just absolutely not a breath of wind and super playful waves. A dream first surf.

porto de mos surfers
Clearly we take all the safety measurements possible to stay far away from spreading anything but stoke and good vibes. 
porto de mos beach
porto de mos beach. Does the Algarve get more pretty than this? Surfing is so much more than just standing on a piece of foam on some salt water. 

We are ready for more! If you are resident and want to join us, give a call and we make a nice after-lockdown arrangement.

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