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Cordoama always holds a surprise

cordoama surf from top

Surf Cordoama, 

The swell dropping a little bit, pretty high tide in the morning, could be a good forecast for cordoama. Always a good idea to check the miradouro first to spot some peaks and just have an awsome view. With super clear views you can see all the way to arrifana. With a short period swell it is tricky to judge from the top and you really only find out when you jump in the ocean.

cordoama surf from top
cordoama surf from top.
surfguide algarve cordoama
Surfguide algarve cordoama. Onshore is the new offshore right 😉

pre surf surfskate

surfskate pre surf
Our surfguide guest brought a smoothstar surfskate. The surf looking pretty iffy and with plenty of time and an almost empty carpark pretty good pre surf training!

cordoama surf camper
cordoama surf camper.
cordoama surf beach
I almost always take my camera but hardly ever take surf pictures. This is for the simple reason that the time we surf I surf and than you end up writing a blog post with no surfing pictures. Lucky cordoama surf beach is also a pretty pretty picture. Needless to say we had a lot of fun in the line up. 
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