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Bordeira empty fun waves, again?

surfguide bordeira

Bordeira surf,

That praia da bordeira is a true swell magnet is no secret (I think?) Facing north it picks up a lot of swell and being one of the longest beaches in the Algarve it is very rare to see this place busy.
But when you get it with absolutely no one else you would almost wonder if there is something wrong. Parking the car, checking the conditions all looked fine. Wetsuits on and go!

bordeira boardwalk
bordeira boardwalk. On the way down it’s all fun and smiles, it’s the way up after the surf that will get you. 
bordeira beach empty
This must be one of the most impressive beaches of Portugal, bordeira beach empty.

No one out,

With one german guest and the Netherlands represented by myself and our other guest you could argue we would be stoked with almost anything. The surf is quickly better than in Holland you´d think. But to be honest the forecast is not great these summer days and no one out could also have a reason. (next to the fact its monday early morning.)

bordeira surf
Here is mr. surfguide himself on a wave – bordeira surf.

Only when you get down to the beach you can really tell what to expect in the line up. With a strong visable channel helping us out we got a super fun surf with just the 3 of us. Slowly but surely the beach started to fill with sunbathing tourists, surfschools and other general people. As the arms started to be sore and we got more and more tired the waves seemed to feel our energy and got a lot more choppy.

surfguide bordeira
Tired and stoked, surfguide guest at bordeira beach after his surf session. Ready for a well deserved Pastel da Nata!
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