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Castalejo offshore fun waves

castalejo offshore

Offshore wind means fun surf!

When the forecast tells it will be offshore we all know what that means, clean surf coming up. Especially in Portuguese summer we do not get this very often and very often it does not even really go offshore. What this can do to your expectations I don’t think i need to explain. But this time we got what was promised. Stoked to get some clean waves!

castalejo offshore
Surfguide Algarve making the best off the castalejo offshore conditions early in the morning.

Early bird catches the wave,

For some reason everyone seems super excited with a forecast like this, but still not many will actually set their alarm and show up early. We like to get to the beach at least a little on time so that we beat most crowds.

castalejo cordoama view
This is without a doubt one off the most spectacular views off castalejo and cordoama. Complete empty ocean and super nice swell rolling in. 

The change into the wet wetsuit is always a lot more easy when the waves look this good.

surfing castalejo
This is the set up for the turn on the first picture. Obviously I should have looked towards the lip instead of the camera and try to smile…but still stoked with the pictures for prove 😉 If you want pictures of your surfguide adventure, just let us know. Our friend Tristan from Portugalsurfshots loves the water as much as we do and is pretty flexible. 
castalejo kook off the day
kook off the day. This guy got stuck trying to turn his not so tough suv on this sand road. Beautiful end off the session and blog. 
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