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The joy of seeing good waves is shared universal at castalejo…

surfguide algarve take off castalejo

Bonnes Vagues,

No we are not on a holiday to France. Funny enough exactly one year ago we were on a wedding-surf adventure to Queberon France. But that´s a whole different story. Today the french visiting us. And it made us feel almost like on a holiday in our own country. This language is só beautiful, and at the same time so hard to follow. Our surfguide guest brings his (not surfing) mom and girlfriend as mental support crew and now there is even more to explain and point out. The Algarve is beautiful also not surfing and I would 100% recommend to take the people you stay with to the beach. Once close to the beach and the ocean was visible the conversation stopped and the mom called out: Oe-la-la bonnes vagues! Waves so good that even a not-surfer can tell…

castalejo surf
A screenshot of my phone…what more can I say. Filled with joy and stoke.

´just get better´,

Well not really as it turns out. In our opinion surfing is not something you can learn in a day-course, week or even in years. Your surfing will develop over time and it will help a lót if you take lessons. But wait a minute, I hear you think: ´you don´t offer lessons?´ – correct. And I also do not think everyone always needs a lesson. If you live in Paris, surf in your holidays and just want to spend some time in the ocean and catch a few waves, it will be probably a very bad idea to take a lesson. You are probably not as paddle-fit as you were when you were surfing on your last trip. You don´t know the board you rented, you don´t know the conditions and surf spot. And yet you pay a lot of money to tell someone what you can improve. At this stage I believe the surfguide offer will be perfect. You get to the beach where the waves are best (for your level.) Where you can than surf your brains out and share the stoke with the guide. No stress, no pressure, just fun surf.

surfguide algarve take off castalejo
surfguide algarve take off castelejo. Today a friend and highly recommended (private)surf coach gave me a few tips that I am super stoked about.
castalejo making in not look easy
castelejo making in not look easy.

Obviously when you want to do a certain thing the ocean will never cooperate with you. Before Nelson´s tip I got about a milion good lefts and after I stuggled for at least 15 minutes to catch anything that I could practice my new gathered info. (and I failed horribly at first.)
But sometimes it all comes together on one wave. Left, backside, good bottom turn (thats basically the trick) and 2 solid turns. Stoked like a (super old) gromm. If you want professional coaching, get in touch and we´ll get you to Nelson. Or google, you could do that too. But than at least tell him I recommended him on my website. 😉

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