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Clean party waves at cordoama,

surfgirl cordoama algarve

Surf Party waves,

You can ask any surfer his or her favorite conditions and they will probably all come up with a different scenario. Our friends from the coffee & waves (coffeeshop in lagos) will most likely say a peeling point break type of wave on meia praia on a big log. (cross step heaven.) Annemarie (missis surfguide Algarve.) will probably want knee high waves on her foamy. (she has a massive belly so would be sweet to let de unborn surf one last time before it´s physically impossible.) And if you ask me, I honestly don’t care as long as I can share the stoke with likeminded people.

surfguide algarve surfcar
surfguide algarve company surfcar. It might not drive as comfortable as it looks, but Merlot (named after the wine,) always puls a few looks anywhere we go. 

Guiding the Locals,

Every day is a special day, and in the Algarve almost every day is also a surfing day. But if you have time to wait for certain conditions that maybe not every second day show up, you will get rewarded for your flexibility. The surfing couple that joined us today is a special case like this. The dude is a full bred Portuguese guy who only discovered surfing a few years ago. And the girl I guess you can call her half french, half portuguese had surfed with us a few times before.

foamy surfboards
Choose your weapon of choice: foamy surfboards is for sure the winner today. (or a big longboard, but we don´t have those in our quiver.) The instruction was simple. When the waves are small and gentle you call us. And this is what happened next:
cordoama glassy waves
No one out and our name written all over it; cordoama glassy waves.
cordoama small partywave
Only on foamies partywaves are always allowed.
cordoama party crash
You know what´s the result of this of course:  party crash. Pretty obvious they fell for eachother. 
cordoama surf girl
even stalling for the barrel 😉
surfgirl cordoama algarve
So stoked to share these amazing small waves with these guys today. 
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