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Tonel September sessions

tonel sagres end of the world sailing boat

Surf Sagres, ´the end of the world´

Honestly, I think it´s funny. ´The end of the world´ if there is an end to the world, would that than not just be on every beach? And what makes Sagres than móre end of the world than lets say…Lagos or Arrifana? In all cases there is a whole lot of ocean after it? In any way, Sagres is a very cool spot to visit. (even if you are not surfing.) The cliffs are amazing and if you are lucky the waves can be super good too.

tonel good wave
Told you; tonel good wave.
Tonel surfguide guest
If I say it´s a joy to see other people surf I do mean that. I think it´s a joy when you see a good surfer in perfect harmony on a wave. Or I can enjoy the pure excitement from a beginners first wave in the white water. But nothing I enjoy more than seeing our surfguide guest catching good waves. (well I do also enjoy my own waves obviously.)
tonel the one that got away
The one that got away… I guess we all know this feeling. 

Think Surf

When you are on a surftrip or holiday with your missis and can sneak in a few surfs. All you think about is surf. So what do you think about when you are completely surfed out?

Tonel surf thinker
This is our guest and I asked him afterwards. His reply was pretty simple. ´Just being super happy.´

September sessions.

The water is warm, the wind very often non existing or even offshore. September is epic and i will tell you a secret: the months after only get better. Bigger swells will be more frequent and we will surf the south coast more often. Are you ready? Book your surfguide now before we are all fully booked!

tonel sagres end of the world sailing boat
Sea you then! 
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