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zavial small wave party

zavial beautiful small wave

Small waves to start with,

When you´re just back in Portugal, Algarve it´s maybe not a good idea to jump straight into a overhead surf with a lot of paddling. Especially not when you haven’t surfed in a whole 3 weeks. Many of our guest actually do not get a chance to surf a few times a year. But this guy works harder than any of you and also spends his free time very wisely. That´s why he was here 3 weeks ago and now again. And here he goes:

zavial beautiful small wave
zavial beautiful small wave.

Cold water fear. Is this even a thing in english as it is in dutch? I hope so. Anyhow this guy has it, littereally. Just joking. while he is putting on his boots a beautiful set rolls in.

cold water waves zavial
Big swell means cold water waves in zavial.
surf algarve zavial clean
surf algarve zavial clean. sometimes silver is gold right?

small perfection

Does ths need any further words: Super stoked to shoot some surf pictures myself.

zavial offshore perfection
zavial offshore perfection.
zavial small left wave
zavial small left wave


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