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Don´t ever walk away from good surf at cordoama,

cordoama beach early

Good surf,

That is all we need, good surf. Some say we are happy with very little and we can live with much less than ´others. With others in this context I probably mean the more sensible people. People who don´t spend all their free time in rubber suits in cold water or scamming down beaches looking to do just that. Or, ones back in the home base, sort of satisfied, searching for the next day, or worse a new surfboard. And when that’s all done watching surf movies. Surfers need a lot of a little I guess.

clean turn cordoama
This is all you need; A clean turn at cordoama beach. 

Surfguide´s new base.

Since a month or so we are located in the beautiful village of Vila do Bispo. And, I won´t lie. Life has become a whole lot more easy. Where before it used to be a 40 minute drive to the beach is now a 4 minute drive. And there is plenty of choice! With cordoama (and castelejo) ad our closest west-coast beaches, thats a good call to check there if the swell and wind allow it.

cordoama beach early
And here is beautiful cordoama beach early with no one out. 

Now you can make the big mistake to walk away from these beautiful empty waves in the hope you find some place even better. But lucky these guys have a surfguide on board who does not even give time to think that far. If you do decide to start the ´Algarve-drive around´ you will probably end up at the same beach 3 hours later. By that time it will be full op people and onshore and you will miss the best part.

clean wave cordoama
clean wave cordoama.
dutch surfer cordoama
And one dutch surfer closing this one out. Stoked! 
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