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With the girlsquad surfing zavial,

surf check zavial surfgirls

Surfgirls in action,

With the small day behind us, time for one step bigger waves. Beach? Zavial! Time? early o clock. The forecast screams zavial and many other surfers will follow. Best to set the alarm and go on time. The girls not minding the hour of the day, but a little shocked by the morning temperatures. In this time of year it is really crazy how much the temperature can change. This morning from 5 degrees in the morning to easy 25 in the sun a few hours later.

surf check zavial surfgirls
Surf check zavial at dawn with the surfgirls. And with no one else on the beach or in the water it is extra special don’t you agree? 

Board Wax like a pro,

It is so classic. Everyone always borrows each others wax. To be honest, I have to get used to the whole waxing thing again. I just sold my board with front pad so I think I need to start waxing again. Or better, maybe we can find someone to do it for us!

girl waxing surfboard zavial
girl waxing surfboard zavial. Just Epic. 
epic surf car zavial
epic surf car zavial. This red monster is owned by our friend who actually is the bastard brother of collin mckree. Or at least he has the same kind of driving style. It does take you to the beach very quick do. And in style. 

O and the surf actually was really fun, almost forgot.

zavial backside snap surfguide algarve
zavial backside snap surfguide algarve.
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