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Porto de Mos delivers epic surf,

perfect wave surf lagos

The surguide Search,

With an absolute monster swell hitting Portugal and the whole of Europe for that matter, it is time to find some more shelter. The problem is that everyone in the whole region needs to do that. Imagine you close all the restaurants in town, but two. They will be very busy. Well that is exactly what happens in the Algarve on days like this. (In corona time when this is the only spot people can go on their Surftrip.)

porto de mos surf beach
Porto de mos surf beach with plenty of surfers in the line up. 

Find your own peak!

If you arrive on a beach- any beach- and you see a bunch of surfers sitting on one spot. What do you think? The answer is probably: ´Thats probably where the waves are best, I´ll go there´. But the answer should be: ´Thats probably where the waves were best when the first guy (or girl!) arrived, but now there´s a bunch of people on it. Maybe I can look further, don´t be a sheep, and find my own peak. Don´t be a sheep! You have probably traveled thousends of kilometers to get here. It is not so much work to walk a little bit further. Especially when this is waiting for you:

perfect wave surf lagos
perfect wave surf lagos. Needless to say we got this peak to ourselves and just surfed our brains out for the whole morning. Offshore, no people, shoulder-head high peaks, sunshine. Epic. 
surfgirls getting ready porto de mos
Is this a dream? surfgirls getting ready porto de mos.
porto de mos lagos surf
A fast but perfect shaped wave, at porto de mos lagos surf.
after surf stoked porto de mos
after surf stoked surfguide guest at porto de mos.
aftersurf coffee porto de mos lagos
Arguably the best spot to warm up and have an aftersurf coffee. 
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