Surf Tonel
If you speak to anyone who surfed in the Algarve there is a good chance they have visited Tonel. Not only is the beach known for good to perfect waves. It is also one of the most beautiful beaches in Portugal. Like many other spots in the Algarve, Tonel is full with rocks and need a little explaining before safely paddling out. That is exactly what we do. We take you to the best waves for your surf level. Explain you the local hazards and tricks, and surf. Tonel knows many different kinds of perfect waves. From small intermediate friendly wavs, to big pro’s only barrels.

Surf foto session
If the conditions all line up and you want the most epic reminder of your surf holiday. (Or sick insta pictures.) We can call one of our surf photographer friends. Today Massimo puts on his flippers and shows why he is one of the best surf photographers in his class.

Push your limits
If you never push your limits you will not likely progress very much. Even if you are not catching many waves in that surf session. The next session in smaller of easier surf will feel super easy or small. Obviously there is a fine line between being a little bit out of your comfort zone and being not responsible. We will push you to surf a little challenging wave. We will never put you in a (for you) dangerous situation. In the end of the day you are the one making the call to go in and surf. And you will be responsible. But we are the ones making the advice to go in or not.
surfguide algarve