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Private surf guide session Amado


Private surfguide

If you really want to know 200% sure the waves will be good for your level and we start and finish when you feel like it: You book a private surfguide session. This dude from Switzerland: (With a surprisingly good level of surfing from a dude from a land with no ocean.) Asked for some more powerful waves if possible. The best way to make sure we score is to give us a few days to choose from and we pick the best day(s). Our session today is at praia do Amado. With good head-high powerful waves: exactly what he asks for.

Amado, 4 guys out, fun waves coming in, side offshore. Looking good!

Doing the right thing going left

mr surfguide on a nice left at amado. picture by massimo pardini

For some reason we surf more rights than lefts in the Algarve. It could have something to do with the swell angle. Or maybe something to do with how the beaches face the swell. But truth is, many times we surf more rights than lefts. (And I am sure I am not the only one.) Not today do. The Left is Much better than the right. So do the right thing: Go left.

Our surf buddy on a perfect wave. The guy has style, even on a wave. Picture by massimo pardini

Fun in the sun

When the summer wind wakes up and the sun starts to gain energy its time to put the surfboards back in the rack. Time for fun in the sun. And what better way to just enjoy that with the whole family at the beach?

surf moms around the corner from amado at praia Bordeira.
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