Surfguiding- Not for everyone
Surfguide Algarve is in fact a very small operation. With the mission and vision to do a very specific thing meant for a very specific audience. We surf, are stoked, and like to share those two things with a select few. A few people per session. But also a few people in general. There are plenty of surfers who might probably fit from a surf guide. But there are plenty who like to mission around and explore for themselves. And you have unlimited miles on your rental ride anyway so why wouldn’t you? With the surfguide crew we know the beaches better than the back of our hand. While the others are still checking spot a, b and c to come back to spot a while the tide got too low to surf, we have the session of our lives. Or at least the best surf for that given day.
´At the right time at the right spot´
surfguide Algarve motto

Many of the surf guide crew comes back for more. Can see why with an adventure like this one:
pictures from paradise