Small waves in Tonel in winter?
Winter is big wave season, but that does not mean it is big all the time, all winter long. With two teenager boys from Boston on the schedule the request is to find fun playful surf. One of them likes to surf a longboard and the other a Malibu. With a little bit of local knowledge from the Surfguide, and a tiny bit of luck we get a perfect small wave day for them to enjoy the Portuguese/ Algarve waves for the first time. With the swell and wind direction as they are the adventure takes place in Sagres at the beach of Tonel. A double rainbow and a fun small swell rolling in the stokes are big.

Take a picture and leave

Take a picture and leave
Surrounded by the famous cliffs of Sagres. The fortess on your left and the lighthouse in the distance on your right. It is a privilege to be in the water in Tonel. My buddy described it once really well. ”Many people go on a holiday or visit a spot, take a picture and leave. Check the box, been there done that. But when you discover new places surfing you are actually engaging in the place much more. you don’t just look at it, you are really in it for the moment.” Some say he maybe smokes to much, but if this is the result, I think it works pretty good for him.