Early Easter hunt with Surf Guide Algarve
What do you need for a good Surf Guide Algarve, early easter hunt? Lets start of with a boat, a very big one. One that is so big other people talk about it when its anchored a few hundred meters offshore because it does not fit in a harbour. What more? Waves, clean blue water waves. And we need a good crew of course. With all these ingredients in place we start the adventure. Going from Zavial to Mareta and back to Vila do Bispo. Some surfing action, some family and friends and some ridiculous stuff you only believe because there are pictures.

First waves at Zavial
The waves is what brings us here. So waves we get. A soft offshore breeze on the south coast and a fun swell rolling in. We have almost not Algarve style gentle waves in Zavial. The water so clear you can see the fish swim under you. Our surf guide crew brings a friend with a drone who gets some super cool videos of us surfing. *If I figure out how to share the moving images I will upload them.

After surf madness
Many people ask me, What do you do the rest of the day? The logical answer would be, chill, eat, whatever.. The truth is, I also do those things other people do. But for some reason there is very often another adventure just around the corner.

For our returning guests we store some surfboards. This guy stored 3 boards and gives us a call. He dude, I am on my way from Bordeaux to Mallorca and will be passing by the Algarve in 2 days. Is it possible to meet up for a coffee and get the boards? The next thing I know I am sipping coffee on a 5.5 milion euro superyaught outside Mareta beach.

Real Easter hunt
After all this crazy water stuff it is time for some food. Pretty annoying that some bunny hides all the eggs first. But the search was actually a blast. Easter is real early this year!