Surfing a Private Peak at Arrifana Beach with Surf Guide Algarve
Hey dude, where are the waves at? A tricky forecast with difficult wind and not much swell leaving not much options. The stoke is there, the guests are ready too. So there is only one solution. Drive to Arrifana. The place where there is almost always a wave to surf. Mostly protected from the wind and still catching enough swell. The downside is that Arrifana really turning into the surf capital of the Algarve. No matter what time in the day you go, it will be packed. Complete beginners doing lessons *most of them. Pro surfers trying to surf themselves in the picture. Grommets getting coached by professional instructors. Grandpas catching their last waves on big logs. All that and more. Lets join the party! Surf Guide Algarve would not be him if he doesnt find a magic private peak. Even on the most crowded beach of the region.

Dont be a sheep
If you arrive at Arrifana beach for the first time you cant help but being stoked about the view. The set up is just amazing. The surf spot shaped in a half moon between high cliffs. A big pilar sticking out on the left. The whole coastline in the distance. You can even see Bordeira if you know where to look. This place is busy for very good reasons. Obviously we do not paddle out right on top of the main peak. We will find a spot with at least good potential to score some waves for our guests. Not be in the way for the pros. And not get dropped in by kooks.

The ocean gives and takes
I love that commercial from the WSL, The ocean gives us so much. Well in the beginning I did. After 500 times getting the same add even this one gets annoying. Still, its a good line. It does. It provides us with almost everything we need. Time we start taking a little more care for mother ocean.