Thanks Arrifana, so nice to see you again, with Surf Guide Algarve
It is raining and the wind is blowing. People walking rapidly over the street looking angry at the sky. A grey day in the Algarve feels for many like a personal insult. The streets are extremely slippery, there are puddles of water everywhere. Nothing dries even inside the houses and there are big cues at the laundry-place for the drying machine. So lets go surfing! We get wet anyway.
On this day it seems even the surfers write off the idea to go check the surf and we get Arrifana completely empty. With mr. Surf Guide Algarve still recovering and on photo / beach-clean mission its nice to see some familiar faces. A few whatsapp messages later and some of the friendly Aljezur local crew come to say hi. Thanks so nice to see you again!

Surf Guide Algarve thinking inside the box
Quite literally speaking. Only by going surfing and driving all the way to Arrifana today we kind of show we think outside the box. But this box offers perfect shelter to make pictures and stay dry at the same time. This space is used in season by the Arrifana Surf School to rent out boards and book lessons. In winter time its just a perfect hiding place.

Perfect mellow waves
The waves are by no means small. But because the set-up of Arrifana towards the swell of today we get perfect mellow waves. Left, right, you choose.

Clean waves, Clean beach
When our Surf Guide guest is showing clear signs of fatigue and we already shoot a milion good surf-photos its time to clean the beach. Its hard not to surf on any day. Yet it is surprising how satisfying it is to be close to the ocean with likeminded people and even better to take the time to do a proper Beach-Clean.