How to surf a 19 second swell in Sagres with Surf Guide Algarve
Will Nazare be on? How big will it be? So many questions. The anticipation on a very big swell is always fun. You hear everyone talk about it. Even the local fisherman at the mercado talking about whats coming. A swell generated basically on the other side of the ocean has an incredible amount of energy. Most surf spots do not even handle this kind of natural force. The Surf guide Algarve crew surfs Mareta in Sagres, what is really hidden from the big swell. And still there are some absolute bombs coming trough. Broken boards, waves of your life, barrels and hold downs. Enjoy the story.

Quality over Quantity
Do you rather surf 10 mediocre waves or 1 good one. I guess it depends if the one wave is not 10 times better than the others I would personally always choose option one. But today the wave is actually 10 times better. And to make the choice easier, there are just not many mediocre waves. The wait is long. The time between sets catching everyone off guard. Drifting slowly out of position, muscles getting a little stiff… Than the set comes. Big lines roll in, do you take the first smaller one? *and possibly get the big ones on your head. Surfing is always a little bit like playing chess but today is next level. A wrong move can send you flying and swimming. Or, in case of our friend -and charger- break your board. Our Surf Guide Algarve guest gets the wave of his life just at the moment we pick up the camera. Talking about good timing.