Its the most wonderful time of the year, surfing safari with Surf Guide Algarve
All of a sudden it is almost Christmas. While miss Carrey will be asked to shut up for another 11 months on the 26th of December, now we enjoy it. Every single bit of it. Because deep down south in the Algarve, this really is the most wonderful time of the year. Indeed, we wont get any snow, but we will take waves instead. This time we start the story with a true Surfing Safari with wildlife and end the show with some proper bombs. Surf Guide Algarve on fire!

Surf Safari - Surfari
Whenever you can blend two words, than do it! It still makes sense in a way. In this situation it really fits too. Obviously the surf guide algarve crew is not looking for wildlife. Since our routes often cross parts of the national park ‘Costa Vincentina‘ there is always a small chance we see some.

Time for fireworks
By the time Christmas is over we are getting ready for the New-Year, with fireworks! All in all we just keep doing what we do. Searching for fun waves with fun people. At the right spot at the right time with the right crew. The crew from this mornings adventure could not be any better. After a relaxed morning with a big breakfast and a early Christmas present for the little one its beach time. Even though we are not guiding anyone today, the swell is pumping and it is time for some fireworks. Mr. Surf Guide Algarve takes one huge wave on his normal shortboard. Of course this is the magic stick but not today. The 7ft stepup is already on the beach, ready for action. Here it is.

Extra credits to miss Surf Guide Algarve for not freaking out on an empty Castelejo beach and even making a couple of epic pictures of the action.