Surf Guide Algarve enjoying spring at Barranco
Meanwhile the days getting longer, the landscape is green and full of flowers, you cant argue about it. It is spring. Surf Guide Algarve is enjoying every single bit of it. At this point the big swells have created some good sandbars here and there. Together with a nice swell we score absolutely perfect waves at Barranco.

Best waves of the trip
As been said before, a perfect looking forecast does not mean a perfect surf. In this case the conditions turn out to be a lot better then expected. Unquestionably we would have scored fun waves but we did not expect perfection like this. Our two Surf Guide Algarve guests absolutely going into the next gear and catch the best waves of the trip.

Together with the somewhat tricky forecast and maybe the hour of the day we surf Barranco bay almost alone for most of the session. Stoked and tired we get out when the tide is pushing in too much. Special days like this can only be special because others are not. But if we could have waves every day like this, we would sign up right now!