Lonboard session at the empty beach of Bordeira with Surf Guide Algarve
As long as there are waves, we will surf. At this point the swell is really small. But with the right crew and the right equipment, there is no such thing as a too small wave. Because the wind will ruin the small but clean conditions as soon as the land heats up, Surf Guide Algarve strikes early again. Joined by one of our VIP guests who wants to surf anything to keep his fitness up for his trip to the Maldives in a few days. Plus a surfer girl from Austria who joined us last week and said she really prefers small waves. All in all a dream crew. Add a beautiful sunrise and a completely empty beach of Bordeira and the session is on. The very first longboard session of the year! Enjoy the story.

While it may be true that we surf much better waves most days of the year, the morning feels dreamy.
The girl,
‘‘This would never happen in Sri-Lanka, there would be 60 people and boards fly everywhere, this is amazing!‘‘
When your smile matches the size of your board I guess there is no such thing as a too small wave indeed. Gliding in mini waves and just doing what surfing is all about- having fun in the water.