Surf Guide Algarve scoring a perfect session on the West Coast
Like mentioned before, the Surf Guide Algarve crew does not need epic waves to have a perfect session. As a matter of fact, often times when the waves are really good the following things happen.
The line up is crowded, expectations are too high and the vibe in the water is tense. Today we scoring waves on a completely private beach on the West-Coast. Despite a pretty brutal paddle and a shifting lineup we all get very good waves. Our Surf Guide Algarve guests know their way around some moving salt water and we have a very special guest on board too. Not on the board but on the camera… Enjoy the full story and pictures.

Only for those who really want it
‘‘Wauw, where is everyone?‘‘ Asks one of the french Surf Guide Algarve guests when he sees the empty line-up. Although the waves look inviting, this place does not suit everyone. Currents, shifting peaks and powerful waves making this place experienced surfers only. While we paddle a lot, the reward is there. Beautiful empty waves with no one else around.

Very Special Guest
Certainly, everyone is special. However, there are so many people you simply will only see the special part from a very few of them. First of all, every guest joining the Surf Guide Algarve adventure is special. If its one time or a thousand times. In this case the girl surfed a few times with us in waves suited for her. *very small waves. Today is her last day of her holiday and she would love to join the crew one last time. Unfortunately the waves are like described above. Obviously we knew this in advance but she still decides to set her alarm and come to the beach and share the stokes. Picking up her camera instead of her surfboard and getting some epic shots from the morning. Thanks you so much!!!