One dude, Three Surf Spots and a ton of Stoke with Surf Guide Algarve
Obviously we like all our guests. Once in a while it can be tricky to find out what someones surf level really is like. For that reason the first Surf Guide Algarve mission will always go somewhere where everyone will enjoy the conditions. Important to realise that if someone says that he-she is comfortable in waves up to 6/7 feet, this could mean a different size that we call 6 feet. For this purpose, and many others, it is nice when a guest comes back. And when the dude comes back several times a year it almost feels like meeting up with an old friend again. This dude has earned his VIP status a long time ago, and this time his timing is really on point. We get a couple of super fun sessions with no one else around in good waves. One dude, three surf spots and a ton of stoke!

Surfing all parts of the coastline
When we rock up at the empty beach of Cabanas Velhas our Surf Guide Algarve guest is surprised. Even if he comes back so often for a number of years, he never surfed this beach. Every spot has its own little moments to shine. Following the swell around the next session is at a real West-Coast beach. Bigger waves, a lot more paddling but again, not a single other person in the lineup.

Just get better
Even though Surf Guide Algarve is all about sharing the stoke and having fun surfing. It would not be any fun if you do not progress. Generally our guests only come surf a few days a year and they are just trying to maintain their levels rather than to progress. Different from these guys this dude really wants to get better in surfing. Certainly we are not the one to teach him how, but we know a guy who can. In fact, we know the guy and the place. In this case this dude is far much better off getting a surfskate lesson. Practicing the essentials and getting the right tools and feedback to practice the next session in the water.

In contrast of the last session, for the final surf we search for smaller easy waves to practice our new moves. As has been noted many times before, with a bit of calculated luck we score the most perfect waves in Beliche. At first all alone, the best way to finish a perfect trip.