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Tonel picture perfect

tonel picture perfect

Surf- check,

With a super amped dutch guy and at least as stoked german we form a great trio of surfers. All three no-pro´s but all three more or less comfortable in most conditions and all three just frothing to go and surf. The only job left is finding some good waves.
With a soft north-east wind changing direction to north and a nice size swell and period Tonel is a good choice. Maybe even offshore…

surfguide guests at tonel
surfguide guests being the first ones out at tonel. (it comes with a price but the reward is there…)
tonel picture perfect
Tonel picture perfect. Maybe one of the most perfect places to take pictures in the whole algarve. Between the big cliffs of sagres, next to the fortress. 

Surf´s up!

With a little low tide and almost no one else in the water all the waves just for us. Lefts and rights, close outs and straight handers, it´s all there for those who wants some.

left hand wave tonel
left hand wave tonel.
fisherboat at tonel
fisherboat casually making our view even more beautiful. 
surfguide algarve tonel off the lip
surfguide algarve tonel off the lip. this picture is shot by our friend Portugalsurfshots – we know him as Tristan. If you want your surfguide adventure shot by a professional photographer let us know. 


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